UX & UCD Tools I use
A persona is created based on market research. They embody the description of typical representatives of the target group. Having a persona helps with effective communication about the target group within the team and enables to see things from their perspective. Moreover, they can be used for several other tools in the UX process.
User Journey
The user journey is a recording of the different touchpoints (e.g. online advertising campaigns, social media, or real world billboards) the user comes in contact with. It visualizes the experiences a person has when interacting with something.
Customer Journey
In contrast to the User Journey, the customer journey records the behavior and responses during all stages of the consumption process, including pre-purchase, consumption and post purchase stages.
Brand Filter
With a brand filter, the brand values in the digital brand experience can be reflected and confirmed. The tool helps to ensure and maintain the brand positioning in all areas of a project.
Focus Group
The focus group can be seen as a form of interview in which a small group of people answers questions in a moderated setting. The participants are selected according to their demographic traits. The aim is to generate a natural discussion between the participants and to gather insights on thoughts, feelings and attitudes towards a topic.
Cultural Probe
Cultural probes can also be called diary study and can be seen as a form of Co-designing. A small package with selected tasks, potentially artifacts like maps, images, diary etc. is prepared and handed out to the user. With this research method, data about everyday challenges, goals and needs of the user can be gathered.
Liefestyle vs. Behavior
This tool aids to understand the values, fears and prejudices of the persona, as well as their mental models. The lifestyle part considers sociodemographic and psychographic criteria; the behavior entails situational and behavioral criteria.
Brand BIOS (think moto)
When the positioning of the brand within the marked is defined, this tool by think moto helps to visualize the four elements that determine the brand meaning.
Benchmark Analysis
With the benchmark analysis, competitors are compared and rated in a set of selected categories. This helps to understand the business, to find weaknesses and strengths, as well as inspiration from the strategies of other companies.
Card Sorting
In a card sorting, the users are asked to group the contents of a Website in a system that appears logical to them. In the variation of an open card sorting, the users create categories themselves, as opposed to a setting where they are given pre-determined categories.
Usability Tests + A/B Testing
This test checks how easy a design is to use for representative users. The participants are observed as they attempt to complete tasks. This test can be done with two different design versions in an A/B setting to figure out which one performs better.
5-Seconds Test
Here, the user is shown a Website for only 5 seconds. Afterwards, they are asked what they remember. This tool helps to validate if the relevant parts are visible and the important messages come across.